Study coordinators: dr. Y. Pijnenburg & dr. S. Ducharme
Project time: 2020 – present
Dutch description
Wat? ‘Neuropsychiatric International Consortium on Frontotemporal Dementia’ is een internationale samenwerking met als doel de ziekte frontotemporale dementie (FTD) verder ontrafelen. NIC-FTD richt zich op het verbeteren van diagnostiek en het opdoen van kennis over de prognose, het ziekteproces en nieuwe biomarkers van FTD.
Voor wie? Dit onderzoek richt zich op het bijeenbrengen van FTD-professionals.
English description
Participants of the Neuropsychiatric International Consortium on Frontotemporal Dementia (NIC-FTD) are research centers from all over the world with a special interest and expertise in both frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and psychiatric diseases.
FTD is one of the most common early-onset type dementias worldwide. FTD shows large symptomatic overlap with psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism. FTD patients often receive a psychiatric diagnosis initially and vice versa. An early and correct diagnosis is pivotal since psychiatric conditions are potentially treatable, whereas FTD is not. Diagnosing FTD versus psychiatric disorders accurately remains challenging for clinicians due to lack of reliable clinical assessment methods and specific biomarkers. NIC-FTD aims to improve clinical assessment tools and biomarkers to differentiate between FTD and psychiatric disorders. Therefore, the key objective of NIC-FTD is to build a shared research database by collecting data of clinical characteristics, neuropsychological and cognitive behavioral assessments, neuroimaging and fluid biomarkers of FTD patients and patients with psychiatric disorders, enabling collaborative research in this important field.

First live meeting of NIC-FTD (summer 2018 Sydney, Australia)
Sydney: Olivier Piguet, Emma Devenney, Fiona Kumfor, Ramon Ramero, John Hodges
Melbourne: Dennis Velakoulis, Dhamidhu Eratne, Wendy Kelso, Samantha Loi
Belo Horizonte: Leonardo Cruz da Souza, Paulo Caramelli
Sao Paolo: Leonel T. Takada, Sonia Brucki
Leuven: Jan van den Stock, Rik Vandenberghe, Matieu Vandenbulcke
Montreal: Simon Ducharme
Quebec: Robert Laforce, Caroline Dallaire-Théroux
Toronto: Mario Masellis
Bogota: Sandra Baez
Kuopio: Eino Solje
Lille: Florence Pasquier, Maxime Bertoux,
Paris: Isabelle Le Ber, Richard Levy, Carole Azuar
Munich: Janine Diehl-Schmid
Leipzig: Matthias Schroeter
Bangalore: Ratnavalli Ellayosyula
Milan: Elio Scarpini, Daniela Galimberti, Giorgio Fumagalli
Pavia: Chiara Cerami
Trento: Alessandra Dodich
Osaka: Manabu Ikeda
Barcelona: Ignacio Illan-Gala
Lund: Alexander Santillo, Maria Landqvist Waldö
The Netherlands
Amsterdam: Flora Gossink, Yolande Pijnenburg, Jort Vijverberg, Sterre de Boer, Dirk van Paassen
Rotterdam: John van Swieten, Harro Seelaar
United Kingdom
Norwich: Michael Hornberger
United States of America
Baltimore: Chiadi Onyike
Cleveland: Alan Lerner
Denver: Peter Pressman
Los Angeles: Mario Mendez
New York: Edward Huey
Rochester: Bradley Boeve
San Francisco: Howard Rosen, David Perry, Kate Rankin
Are you interested to become involved with NIC-FTD or do you want more information, please contact us by sending an email to