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The A-IADL-Q(-SV) can be administered both digitally (online or offline) or on paper. The preferred method of administration is digitally, since branching of questions occurs automatically.


The questionnaire is adaptive and implemented on the Qualtrics platform. Qualtrics is free for academic users and currently the most user-friendly digital questionnaire platform. Authorized users will receive a link from the developer to distribute the questionnaire, and access the data. The questionnaire can be distributed using a general link, using an offline app or via email using a personalized link (valid for 60 days).

Administration on paper

The questionnaire can also be administered on paper. If this is the case, the respondent needs an extra instruction that the questions are branched, for example by adding ‘if yes’ and ‘if no’ to the follow-up questions.


The total score is calculated using an item response theory (IRT) method of scoring [1]. Currently, scoring is done by the developers with the use of a syntax. This syntax is implemented in both MPlus and R.

Diagnostic value of the A-IADL-Q

The A-IADL-Q(-SV) can be used both for research-purposes and in a clinical setting. Sikkes et al. [3] investigated the diagnostic usefulness of the questionnaire and discovered that patients diagnosed with dementia had lower A-IADL-Q scores (M = 45.73, SD = 8.31) than patients without dementia (M = 54.38, SD = 9.47). At a cutoff score of 51.4 points, the highest combination of sensitivity and specificity was acquired, with a sensitivity of 0.74 (0.67-0.81) and a specificity of 0.65 (0.56-0.72).

Are you interested in using the Amsterdam IADL Questionnaire?

Please read our guidelines for use and fill out the request form. Authorized users will receive a link from the developers to distribute the questionnaire and access the data. > Go to guidelines en request form

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